Differing Site Conditions: What You Need to Know

Differing Site Conditions: What You Need to Know Before the ground is even broken, every construction project involves quite a bit of planning and red tape. In order to build, a landowner must consult with engineers and architects to create a plan for the project that...

What is Real Estate and Real Property Law?

What is Real Estate and Real Property Law? Most of us are pretty familiar with the term “real estate”. Although we probably couldn’t provide a full legal definition, we all generally know what it means. “Real property”, on the other hand, is a less commonly-used term...

How to Be a Better Custodial Parent

How to Be a Better Custodial Parent Determining child custody has the potential to be an incredibly stressful and confusing legal battle. The rulings made by the court are important legal decisions, but dealing with a highly emotional topic: kids. The ultimate goal...

How Do You Push a Company to Pay for Construction Work?

How do you push a company to pay for construction work? It’s an unfortunate truth in the construction industry that clients don’t always pay within a reasonable amount of time. In fact, some clients might seemingly do their best not to pay you at all– even if you’ve...